Imagine this...

Finally! Your little one fall asleep on their own and sleep through the night, and you are getting an amazing, uninterrupted rest, every night.

With Vera

If you are feeling tired, you are not alone. Many parents experience these

Common Sleep Problems in young children

Cat Napping


You child always takes catnaps under 45 minutes long.



You are unsure how to transition your child from co-sleeping to sleeping in his/her own crib/room.

Multiple Night Wakings

Multiple Night Wakings

Your child wakes up crying or demanding help to get him/her back to sleep.

Parent-Controlled Sleep Associations

Parent-Controlled Sleep Associations

You have to rock, nurse, pat, sing, etc. in order to get your child to sleep.

Chronic Sleep Deprivation

Chronic Sleep Deprivation

You child is not getting enough sleep, hence becomes irritable and does not fall asleep easily.

Stalling Bedtime Antics

Stalling Bedtime Antics

You spend a long time each night to get your toddler into bed.

Download our

Free Guide to help your child get the most restful sleep possible

Sleep isn't a luxury, It's a necessity for you and your child

For Mum:

For Child:


How much sleep does your child need?

Nighttime Sleep
Birth – 6 weeks
5-6 hours (4-6 naps)
10-12 hours
3 months
5 hours (3-4 naps)
10-12 hours
4 months
4 hours (3-4 naps)
10-12 hours
5 months
3-4 hours (3-4 naps)
10-12 hours
6 months
3-3.5 hours (2-3 naps)
10-12 hours
7 – 9 months
3 hours (2-3 naps)
10-12 hours
10 – 12 months
2-3 hours (2 naps)
10-12 hours
13 – 18 months
1.5-3 hours (1-2 naps)
10-12 hours
19 months – 3 years
1-3 hours (1 nap)
10-12 hours

Sleep training facts & myths

Hey tired mama,

I know exactly what you are going through

Hi! I’m Han Ying, a Baby & Toddler Sleep Consultant and a mum to one healthy and energetic girl, Vera.

I know from personal experience how exhausting it can be when your little one isn’t sleeping well.

I was the Mombie. The zombie-like first-time mum who was so sleep deprived. My days and nights were consumed with endless rocking, patting, and carrying Vera to sleep when she was 2 months old. My emotional and physical well-being started to take their toll; I was getting little sleep and had no time to myself to rejuvenate.

I knew it was my responsibility as a mum to find a sustainable solution for Vera, and myself so we can get the sleep we needed.

That’s when I learned about sleep training and reached out to a sleep consultant for help.

My husband was skeptical about sleep training at first, but he soon became a huge advocate when Vera slept through the night on the second night. She was 3.5 months old then.

Han Ying

The first thing we noticed after sleep training was that Vera was happier, more alert, and engaging in the day. She was also developing more rapidly than before.

I am glad we had made the right decision for her and for us. She is a happy bub, and I am a well-rested mum.

I knew I wanted nothing more but to be able to share this gift of sleep with other parents and babies as well, so I got my certified as a Sleep Consultant with Sleep Sense™ and began this business to help you get more sleep at night, reclaim your days, and restore your sanity by teaching you proven techniques for getting your baby to sleep.

Sleep isn’t a luxury, it’s a necessary part of our wellbeing. It’s time to start taking care of your body, mind, and soul – because you deserve it, mama.

Why engage me and what makes me different?

The peace of mind that comes with engaging me to work through the whole sleep training process with you so that you can remain confident, calm, and consistent, which is important to ensure success.

I will come up with a sleep plan that is completely customised for your child. I will provide you with ongoing support throughout the implementation of the plan for 3 weeks, knowing that answers to any questions you might have are just a message or e-mail away.

I will also teach you the proven Sleep Scheduling Strategy using the Wake Time and Total Wake Time concept to help your child takes restful naps, sleep well at night, and prevent night wakings and early wake up due to overtiredness/undertiredness at bedtime. This knowledge and skill will help you to provide appropriate sleep schedule and troubleshoot any sleep issues in the future.

My services for all families


(0 - 12 weeks)
This service is tailored for you if you are:


(13 weeks - 23 months)
This service is tailored for you if you are:

Toddler & Older Children

(2 – 5 years)
This service is tailored for you if you are: